TVOC Vegetable Garden

Good morning everyone! 
I have a fun update from our neighbors at TVOC. Earlier this summer they received a grant from Farm to Early Care (F2EC), a program that aims to bridge education and nutrition. With this grant, they were able to acquire raised garden beds which have since been filled and planted!
The garden beds were purchased from The Little Bell Garden, a local maker in Waconia. They also donated starter plants and seeds to help them get up and running. The soil came from Neubarth’s here in Glencoe. They plan on using any food grown in their nutrition program to serve as part of their three daily meals. Any excess will be donated to their families to encourage the continuation of purposeful nutrition and hopefully establish lifelong habits and health! 
This is an exciting opportunity, and I know many of us here at Christ Lutheran are happy for TVOC to have these gardens! I’ve included a small photo gallery below, but feel free to take a look at the gardens in person too!
Check out the websites for F2EC and The Little Bell Garden to find out more information about them as well.
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