Worship Services
Gathering in Worship Each Sunday at 9 AM
Together In Worship
Part of our mission here at Christ Lutheran is to provide a place for our members to gather in worship. Worship is central to so much of what we do, and gives opportunities for us to celebrate and learn God’s word together.
Every week we hold a worship service on Sunday at 9 AM in our Sanctuary. Join us in-person, or watch the service remotely via one of our YouTube livestreams. Throughout the year we also hold special services, celebrating events such as Advent, Lent, Christmas, and Easter. Information about these services will be shared as the dates grow near!
Find this Sunday’s worship bulletin here: Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost Bulletin
Upcoming Livestreams
Missed a service? No worries! Watch our most recent service here, or head to our YouTube channel to watch any of our recorded services.
Find last Sunday’s worship bulletin here: Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost Bulletin